
The time & money spent will save you time & money for a lifetime!

Personal Style Analysis


Learn the difference between beautiful colors and colors that bring out your beautiful!

Lynn will help you discover the color shades and intensities that accentuate your skin, hair, and eyes to enhance your natural beauty.

It also includes a face and figure analysis to help you understand eyeglass frames, hair styles, accessories and clothing for YOUR best look.

It’s a fun and enlightening process!


  • Color assessment for clothing and cosmetics

  • Personalized color palette

  • Recommendations to enhance your face and figure

  • Advice on eyeglass frames + accessories

  • Hair color and style recommendations

  • Assistance with building a manageable wardrobe:

    • Create outfits from what you already own

    • Develop a grab-and-go wardrobe to support your lifestyle

    • Transition pieces throughout all seasons

    • SImplify your life to shop with a purpose

Business Image Program


What we wear and how we wear it immediately projects our professional image more than any other attribute.

Each participant in the program will:

  • Learn how face shape informs best-suited hairstyles, glasses, patterns, neckties and other accessories

  • Understand how clothing can balance every body type

  • Realize how a wardrobe can save time, money and support your personal and professional lifestyle

  • Learn basic colors that work best

45-60 minutes
Reach out to discuss pricing and location

Tailored Programs


Lynn enjoys sharing about a variety of fun and informative topics, such as:

  • Determine your face shape - this helps for selecting glasses, hair styles, accessories, neck ties, and patterns

  • Determine your figure shape - understand how clothing can balance and enhance your figure

  • Colors - the basic palette of colors that work for everyone

  • The Art of Accessorizing - too much or too little vs just right for scarves, jewelry and more

  • Owning your natural hair color

She speaks at community events, women’s luncheons, and businesses.

Reach out to discuss an opportunity you may have!